6 Simple Steps to Attract More Clients

business Mar 17, 2015

I talk to a lot of women business owners and the one thing I hear over and over again is “I need to figure out how to attract more clients.”

Are you a biz owner who:

  • Feels frustrated because you have a big gift to share but no one to share it with?
  • Worries that you might have to return to a corporate job because you can’t make your business work?
  • Wonders what’s wrong with you, because while other people seem to be doing this “entrepreneur thing” successfully, you keep falling behind?

Let me share something with you that might ease your mind:

Attracting clients does not have to be hard.


The reason you struggle to attract clients is because there are holes in your biz (that you might not even be aware of) that are causing you to loose clients. Until you fill these holes, attracting clients will be a struggle.

Although I can’t share all of the potential holes that could exist in your biz in this one short article, below are some of the biggies.

6 Simple Steps to Attract More Clients:

1. Clarify your ideal client

If you haven’t identified your ideal client, no one will be able to identify you as the person who can help them.

Your ideal client is made up of two elements: 1) the tribe your ideal client associates with, and 2) the specific characteristics of those tribe members who make an ideal client.

Examples of tribes: Diabetic athletes, women biz owners, artists, executives, single men, coaches, married couples, overweight kids…

Examples of characteristics: 100% invested in their business, heart centered, earns over 80k per year, vibrant personality, willing to do the work…

When these two elements are combined, you’ll attract clients more easily because your ideal clients will be able to see themselves in the type of person you help.

2. Learn how to talk about what you do so your ideal clients “get you”

If you don’t have a clear, concise way of explaining what you do so your ideal clients understand exactly how you can help them and why they should hire you, you won’t attract clients.

And lets be clear, I don’t mean you explaining the details of your process, I mean you explaining in plain English, the results that get to happen for people when they work with you.

3. Create a signature system

If you offer ongoing month-to-month coaching and haven’t packaged what you do into a step-by-step system, it will be difficult for potential clients to see the value of working with you.

When you present a packaged signature system, it helps your potential clients see that there’s a beginning, middle and end to your process with clear results. It also positions you as an expert who has created a system to help a very specific type of person solve a very specific problem.

4. Become skilled at facilitating Discovery Sessions

A Discovery Session is the initial complimentary session that you have with a potential client. There is a very specific strategy behind leading high-converting Discovery Sessions. There is also a secret to easing the fear that happens for many women biz owners at the end of a Discovery Session when it comes time to talk about money.

If you haven’t been taught Discovery Session Strategy, you will likely lose many clients at this stage.

5. Start selling

If you hate the idea of selling your services and you avoid it at all costs, you obviously won’t have any clients. You must ALWAYS let people know how they can get more of you – not doing so is actually a disservice because then you can’t help them.

After every speaking engagement, workshop or interview you need to offer a next step, whether that is a complimentary session or a paid offer. You also need to make offers in your newsletter.

6. Invest in yourself

This is a biggie. If you don’t invest in yourself, how can you expect potential clients to invest in you?

I truly do understand that at the beginning, this can feel like a catch-22. You might tell yourself “I will invest in myself once I have more clients” – I know this is what I told myself when I was just starting out. But here’s the thing, when you invest in yourself, you will attract more clients faster because you’ll have an experienced mentor to show you how.

Your mentor will also save you from making detrimental mistakes that could keep you spinning your wheels for years…and spinning your wheels for years would be terrible because you have a gift that needs to get out to the world NOW. The more you wait, the more lives you miss out on changing.

Are you making any of these mistakes? If you are, it’s time to get the support you need so you can start transforming your vision into reality. I’m here for you sister. If you’d like to chat about how, together, we can get you on track to attracting more clients in your biz, I dare you to contact me by replying to this email. It’s time to start seeing results.


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