3 Totally Free Ways to Prepare Your Brand for Profit in 2018

branding Dec 19, 2017

Will 2018 be your most profitable year yet? It could be if you give your brand the attention it deserves before the momentum of the New Year strikes in January.

Below are 3 totally FREE ways to prepare your brand for profit in 2018.

1. Position yourself as the face of your brand

You're selling a service, right? 


If you're a service-based business, what you're actually selling is a relationship with YOU.

Your ideal clients can get your service from lots of people, but what makes them choose to work with you over all the rest is that they resonate with who you are.

So you've got to give them something to resonate with, and this can only happen when you position yourself as the face of your brand!

This means YOU out there sharing your opinions, values, beliefs and personality through live talks, FB Lives, your newsletter, Meetup, or any other platform you choose to market your business.

If you've been hiding behind other people's quotes and pictures of your dog, now's the time to prepare your brand for profit in 2018 by getting clear about how you want to show up as the face of your brand.

Not sure? Want help? Just respond to this email and we'll set up a time to talk.

2. Know what motivates your ideal clients to buy

If your brand doesn't speak to your ideal clients' motivations to buy, then your business won't be profitable in 2018.

You wouldn't believe how many brilliant intuitives, healers, or otherwise gifted business owners I come across who are broke and discouraged because they can't seem to get others to see the value in what they offer.

It doesn't matter how amazing your tools, strategies, techniques, and processes are if you can't relate what you do to the pain, struggles and desires that motivate your ideal clients to invest in your service.

In otherwords, besides the fact that what you do is amazing, how does it actually solve a burning problem that your ideal clients are currently battling? 

Because that's the problem that will motivate them to take the action to work with you. NOT you babbling on about how cool and innovative your techniques are.

So... what motivates your ideal clients to buy? It needs to be specific. 

Let's use a marriage therapist as an example. What motivates her ideal clients to buy?

Incorrect answer: "They want to feel spiritually in tune with their partner"
Correct answer: "Their marriage is on the brink of divorce"

Now of course, what the marriage therapist might actually do when she works with her clients is help them feel spiritually in tune - but for most clients, this won't be the motivation to hire her. Their motivation will stem from the pain of possibly losing their marriage. 

To inspire that next step to work with you, you must meet your ideal clients where they are ready to do something about their situation. 

Need help getting clear about what motivates your ideal clients to buy? Reach out, I'd love to help!

3. Keep your brand simple

The drive to overcomplicate our brands and businesses is an epidemic. I haven't met one entrepreneur who hasn't been guilty, including myself. 

I think it's because creativity and ideas are in our blood, so we're always coming up with the next best thing.

The problem is that if you're not clear about your brand - every idea becomes something to pursue... and the truth is that not all ideas are worth pursuing.

Knowing how to simplify your brand is a skill that every successful business owner must master.

You have to know what to keep because it aligns and what to weed out because it just adds to the noise.

The only way to know this is to define your brand from the get go...

  • What experience do you want to create?
  • Where do you stand amidst all the noise and advise in your industry?
  • How do you show up for your clients and your tribe?
  • What words and phrases do you use to communicate what you do?
  • What topics to address in your talks and trainings?
  • What visuals represent you and your business?

There are many other questions to consider while you pull the depth of what you offer into a clear, simple and streamlined brand, but these are a starting place.

It's so worth it to take the time to get clear.

When you're clear about your brand, every decision becomes easy. You don't waste time pursuing ideas that don't align your business. You make more money because your ideal clients "get you". And you impact more lives you are memorable, and your message is spreadable.

Want support creating, clarifying or simplifying your brand? I'm your coach! Reach out and let's discuss.


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